Employees are governed by a Code of Conduct outlined in the Compliance Manual of the Fund (Lyn Braz lbraz@bfaglobal.com can be contacted for a copy).
The Fund adheres to the principles of human dignity, non-discrimination, fair treatment, health and safety, protection of children, fair labor practice, fair competition, environmental protection, good governance, business integrity, ethical business, anti-corruption, economic sustainability, animal welfare, and the rule of law. Investees of the Fund will abide by those same values according to the following expectations:
Laws and regulations: Abide by all laws, regulations, and reporting obligations applicable to their activities. Respect policy and confidentiality.
Labor and human rights: All workers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, in a fair and ethical workplace, upholding human rights. Provide a safe work environment and comply with required health and safety permits. Do not use any form of involuntary labor or human trafficking. Do not harass or bully in any form – verbal, physical, written, digital or any other means. Do not discriminate against any worker based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, union membership, or any other status. Keep the workplace free of harassment and abuse.
Safeguarding and child protection: Ensure the rights and protection of children under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults, and take all reasonable steps to protect children from exploitation and abuse. Take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent harm, particularly sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment, to protect people, particularly vulnerable adults and children, from such harm, and respond appropriately and promptly in cases of suspected harm.
Environment: Develop, implement and maintain environmentally responsible business practices. Comply with required environmental permits. Avoid waste, favor materials with reused and recycled content, and responsibly dispose of waste. Minimize impact on water, soils, and biodiversity.
Ethical conduct: Comply with applicable laws and regulations including relevant anti-bribery and corrupt practices codes. Do not offer, provide, authorize, request, or receive any financial or other advantage with the intent of influencing decision making or other conduct. Do not embezzle, rob, misappropriate, or misuse assets. Investee companies are not authorized to make statements on behalf of the Fund.
Non-compliance: Founders, employees, contract workers, vendors, customers or anyone else that does business with the Fund should immediately report any breach to Lyn Braz, Chief Compliance Officer at lbraz@bfaglobal.com
All complaints will be treated anonymously. Any violation may jeopardize employment or business relationships.